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  Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

  1)describe the drawing briefly,

  2)interpret its intended meaning, and

  3)give your comments.

  You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)




  As isshown above, in the 1970s, grandmother Deng was mending pajamas which had been covered with patches for Premier Zhou in the first picture. By contrast, in the other picture, now, enjoying in affluence despite, with the gratifying smile on a couple, the husband took over his coat that just mended from his wife and said:“it can also put on for a few years…”

  Apparently,this picture emphasizes the inheritance of the virtue of thrift. With the rapid development of social productivity, the material life of people becomes more and more rich, and their consumption ideas also changes larger accordingly. We cannot deny these facts, but we can never abandon the traditional virtue of our nation—thrift.

  Compared to thedeveloped countries, we are not rich yet, so it is necessary to encourage frugality. Even if we become rich one day, should be thrifty too. Only being frugal every time, every generation, can our country evergrowing prosperity, and our individual family increasingly wealth.






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